28 May 2009


so this past weekend gavin and i went bike riding. not the normal bike riding though, we went 'mountain' biking. OK it wasn't a real mountain.. but it was rough bike trail.

we rented bikes and started simple on a nice paved bike route in a park. then we grabbed the bikes and went to a dirt trail we were told about. just like skiing they have the easy, medium and hard trails marked. we went for the easy one since I've never done anything like this.


There were rocks and branches to ride over.. there were hills and not jumps really...but steep falls. This is a bike trail that our local bike shop helped build. So the trails are made for bikers. It was hard. We stopped a lot LOL .. but gavin was patient with me. I wish i would've taken more pics but i was busy trying not to fall.

After the hilly dirt ride we took the bikes and went to ride on another paved road...then we went to kings point by the water. 'Twas wicked. :)


Having a three day weekend was brilliant. We ended up staying home on monday and recovering. Telefunken in the sun room and (geek alert) playing witcher. Sigh.. i want more 3 day weekends....

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