28 April 2009


i'm going shopping...on purpose.

i shall willingly go to stores and browse until i find the perfect items.. AND it's not even for a special occasion.

i know.. i know.. but i have to. why you ask? because summer is looming. no, it's not the allure of the perfect summer dress to frolic in the park with my sweety in. it's cause this time last year i was working at an art gallery. which meant that mini corduroy skirts, sneakers, and wife beaters were acceptable attire.

but now i'm in a corporate environment and i only have one pair of flats and they hurt. so off i go shop for clothes that i can wear to work.

pray for me to survive the smell of nasty perfume that lurks in department stores, to come out alive among the sale rack...to not scream when all i see is fusia.

le sigh

1 comment:

  1. i feel your pain. are we missing that girl gene?

    let me know if you need help.
