16 October 2008

work plus and minus

+ I'm being creative
+ I have an actual title and pretty cool art director
+ I'm coding but it's mostly in CSS so it's light
+ There's a guy that sits by me who is really chill and randomly burst into song to kill the silence, makes me chuckle (he's the IT guy - shocker)
+ There's a lot to do so the day goes by fast
+ My pretty cool art director has been in the London office for most of the time I've been here so far

- My pretty cool art director has been in the London office for most of the time I've been here so far
- The rest of the design team is in the UK
- Working with offices in the UK and Dubai, coming in at 8am is seen as normal not as 'putting in some extra effort'
- There isn't a lot of good food in this area, I might start bringing in my lunch.

1 comment:

  1. hmm ok so on your negatives:
    -working with offices in London and Dubai means more global contacts

    -bringing your own means, saving money, and controlling what you intake

    soo happy for you chica!
