20 August 2009

judy the fashionista?

So... if you know me you know that i am in no way a 'fashion girl'. I buy whats cheap...whats there...sometimes i'll even try something on.

But today a total stranger came up to me to say she liked my dress and wanted to know where i got it. Granted I am dressed rather girly today (dress AND heels!) but still!

So there you have it...took me being 4 months shy of my 30th birthday but turns out i can manage to dress myself up and look nice on normal days. I AM a girl!! woohoO! heh
On special occasions like my anniversary..a wedding.. something like that i tend to clean up nice but it's not a special occasion today. It's a random thursday! Not only that but on tuesday.. for no other reason than because i woke up early and saw it there i flat ironed my hair!!! Wasn't a birthday or party or anything....just 'cause!

So there you have it. I have become 'girly'. Well, in my estimation anyway. I still won't wear makeup or consider clothes shopping a fun activity. And yes...the combat boots are still getting used.

You know the fact that i'm gonna be 30 in December has been on my mind recently. I think it's pretty damn cool. I wasn't raised to be one of those girls that dread getting older.

And upon reflextion.. now that my 20's will be over, gotta say.. i can't really complain. Half of my 20's was spent with not much to be happy about...i was drifting..., the other half was happy. Hmmm exactly half actually....ha! You gotta love the symmetry :)

I'm not sure what i want to do for my actual bday though. I mean, other than the traditional activities which my bday can NOT be without. namely ice skating and a trip to grimaldi's for a pie.

We'll see.. plenty of time to plan. Speaking of planning.. it's august and i haven't started my Halloween costume yet!!!!


Wow - i haven't written this much in a while... *shakes head* wonder what brought that on. :D

1 comment:

  1. my love,
    i love that your not overly girlie. i am glad i can see the real you and not one hidden behind a mask of powder and makeup. i love that your confidence is reflected in your style.
    i say a cake party with your friends. we can have a dance/house party.

    btw, i know you have plenty in your closet that is cute!! and combat boots with a dress is cute....

    muahhhh.besos hermana!
