08 August 2008


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Laundry day. The one time a week like clockwork when i decide to wear blue jeans and an ___ colored t-shirt.
I tend to go through phases when i decide i need to actually act like a normal person and force myself to wear color. These phases never last very long though...be it because i usually end up spilling something on myself thus propelling my return to safe stain disguising black or out of sheer laziness. But here i am..wearing blue. Mental note everyone! :P

My sister has said in the past that she would love to go shopping with me. teach me something about being girlie. She is the kind of person who is always dressed amazingly. Effortlessly casual but elegant. I tend to shy away from shopping .. generally hate.. I've been better about it recently though. I might take her up on that trip someday..actually have a wardrobe that consists of more than black tank tops and black jeans. hehe


  1. omg, i am sooo not a fan of shopping. for me its like "black it fits, buy 3"

    i have been wearing more color, cuz i am too small for my black!!

    lets try to shop when i get a job...i am sure we will end up having drinks and telling the dj he HAS to play depeche mode!

  2. LOL.. totally!
    Although i might have to have a drink before hand...otherwise i don't think i'll be able to handle any shopping that might take longer than 10 min. :D

  3. sweets, its me, of course we will have TWO drinks before hand, and of course i will have a flask of vodka, bottle of soda water and a lime,in my purse. you know in case of a shopping-breakdown. which tends to occur 15 mins in.... hehe
