25 July 2008


This is going to be a very annoying post for most people. Sorry in advance...

This week has been a very tumultuous week for relationships. I've been counseling people left and right. I'm happy to do it, after all I've had more than my share of fucked up relationships and sleepless nights crying over a broken heart and if i didn't have my friends and family around me i might have gone mad. So this isn't a complaint about being there for people. But when you hear these kinds of problems and are in a relationship yourself, it stands to reason that you'd reflect on the health of your own love life.

Gavin and i have been together for almost three years now. It started quick when we met at the dojo. We moved in together about six months later. We're in a committed relationship and have plans for the future, you know, that whole deal. We've had some fights but when I stop and think about it most of our arguments end up with us laughing. That's if it's a real argument...which most of the time it's not. It'll be just one of us being in a touchy mood and needing to unwind. Nothing some sex or a stupid movie or cuddling can't solve. Maybe it's because of our personalities. We're very different when it comes to a lot of stuff. I'm social, he's generally not...I enjoy going to clubs every so often and he prefers staying home and having a beer with some friends and playing a game or watching a movie. Some of the music he likes sounds like noise to me and some the music I like sounds trite to him. But we're both non-confrontational. We rather not argue if we can help it, and we tend to realise when one of us is having a bad day and squash things early before they get out of hand. And when two people are like that...arguments are few and far between. We both rather hold each other than fight.

Now, I'm not going to say our relationship is perfect. But it's the calmest and happiest that I've ever been when it comes to relationships. I guess what I'm trying to say is that hearing about others' problems with their significant other makes me appreciate my own relationship all the more. Totally obnoxious, i know.

It's just been a long week and I feel extremely grateful to be with someone i'm so in love with and who understands me and makes me smile...

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